RubberCover EPDM

Quick, easy, and trouble-free roofing system.


A Complete System that Stays Trouble-Free

Elevate RubberCover is a high-performance roofing system for residential flat roofing applications limited to 100 m. Based on an EPDM synthetic rubber membrane with a life expectancy of over 50 years, it is one of the most durable and sustainable roofing systems on the market. It is compatible with a wide range of substrates, making it perfect for renovations as well as new build projects. It is also suitable for green roofs and can be used to collect run-off rainwater for sanitation purposes. RubberCover is designed to make your life easier from ordering and storage to installation and far beyond!

Environment. No Trouble.

The RubberCover EPDM membrane is chemically inert, non-toxic and contains no plasticizers, halogens or heavy metals. The combination of its exceptional durability, minimal or no maintenance and possibility to be recycled makes it an environmentally friendly choice. In addition, the RubberCover system is compatible with green roofs and photovoltaic systems, further contributing towards a sustainable environment.

Installation. No Trouble.

The RubberCover EPDM membrane is lightweight, flexible, easy to work with and allows a short installation time. It comes in large sheets which can cover most residential roofs in one piece without any field seaming. The rolls are easy to handle and store. There’s no need for special tools. Provided the structure is sound, RubberCover EPDM can be used over virtually any new or existing flat roof.

Trouble-Free. For Years!

The RubberCover EPDM membrane has an excellent resistance to weathering and retains its physical properties over several decades. Homeowners want peace of mind, as well as the freedom to change their plans in the future. Additions like skylights or extensions can be integrated easily without affecting the system’s performance.

No Flame. No Trouble.

No flame is needed to install the RubberCover system. The membrane is simply adhered onto the substrate using a contact adhesive. As well as avoiding the risk of fire accidents, there are no welding tools to carry up to the roof and no cables getting in your way.

Accessories. No Trouble.

Only a few accessories are needed to install the RubberCover system properly. These are available from Firestone and are very easy to use compared to the ones used in traditional roofing systems.

Resources and Training


We have access to a wide range of literature to help get the job done.

Need More Info?

Take a look at the information available on this site

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